How Do I Join?


Use the membership link on this website

OR join our Facebook page and join via the subscribers link at the top of the page.


The Catalogue


To view, go to the Infinity website.


Choose whichever format you prefer – click either Adobe (PDF) or View Online.


In the PDF file, first there is a table of contents by category with page numbers – the list on the left is in  page number order, the list on the right is in alphabetical order.

  • At the end there is a brand index.

  • The coloured pages at the beginning feature special offers and new products.

  • There is a section listing all special offers together and special offers are marked with a small square.

  • The catalogue is bi-monthly, coming out on the first day of January, March, May, July, September and November. Special offers tend to be snapped up by shops so we order by the second or third week after a new catalogue issue to avoid missing out.

  • I have a FEW hard copies of the current catalogue, plus previous ones which I can lend for a few days so new people can find their way about before going online. If you order in January, March, May, July, September, or November you’ll receive a copy of the latest catalogue with your order to lend to friends or to refer to yourself for the following month.

  • Anyone having difficulty using the online catalogues may prefer the Edited Catalogue.xls. This is a slimmed down version of the Infinity.xls catalogue, is easier to use and matches the OWBG order form. The link to this is sent out in the newsletter each month.

  • Before you send in your first order, please fill in the membership form.

Points to Bear in Mind:


As a group we can only order whole cases / bags / sacks.

  • Our sharing scheme allows us to divvy up cases / 5kg bags / 25kg sacks between ourselves.

  • Organic products are specifically listed as such in the column next to the product description. If it doesn't say organic, then it's not!

  • Use-by dates vary, minimum of 3 months on everything, nuts & seeds 6 – 9 months, maybe more as there is a high turnover. Products such as crisps come to Infinity with Best Before date of 12 weeks. Most dried and ambient goods are long dated. It is possible to specify a minimum requirement if really necessary, but we shouldn't over use this.

  • If you have allergies / sensitivities / are on a specific diet, do check the ingredients of any product that you're unfamiliar with, before ordering. You could also post on our Facebook page for help and advice.

  • If you're ordering a 'must have' product (e.g. for a specific event), mark it clearly and indicate an alternative, in case your preferred product is out of stock.

  • If there is a problem, please contact me on 01805 623 307 and I'll do my best to resolve it. I may not be able to help you if other action has been taken.

Savvy Ordering


It’s almost always most economical to share a bulk bag (5kg), rather than order a case of retail bags (12 x 500g i.e. 6kg total). Infinity’s own brand has a wide range of bulk items and they are excellent quality. There are two sections for these, one organic and one not organic.




Our aim is to be as inclusive as possible, enabling single people to join in as well.

  • Each month members receive a link which enables them to see current share information. This means we can all see if there is something someone else is thinking of ordering that we would like to share, it also enables us to find others to share our products.

  • Those wanting to instigate shares, email a draft order to by the draft order date (see Exactly How to Order). We make this information available to the group, enabling those interested to arrange shares.

  • Everyone confirms their final order with their whole cases and any shares they may have agreed.

  • You can still share even if you don't order whole cases yourself.

 Go to Exactly how to order